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Fjalor Anglisht-Shqip

BETA Online Dictionary Albanian-English: Enter keyword here!
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Tips for searchingDeutscher Text
:: German umlauts (ä,ö,ü,ß)
If you need to enter German umlauts which aren't available on your keyboard you can either:
1.) Click a linked letter (located next to the input field)
2.) Enter alternative letters: ae = ä | oe = ö | ue = ü | sz = ß

:: What do abbreviations like "{m}" or "coll." mean?
See the guidelines for dict.cc. The most important abbreviations are explained there.

:: Jump into the input field
If you want to search for another translation after having seen the current results, simply start typing. This will move the cursor into the input field.

:: Context menu
If you click the button next to a translation, a small context menu should appear. You can use it to double-check a translation using other online dictionaries, to look up a word in Wikipedia or to report a spelling error.

:: Quick search using the address bar of your browser
To look up translations without having to visit www.dict.cc and then typing the term into the field, you can use the following shortcut: just type "dict.cc/term" into your browser's address bar.

:: DuckDuckGo
If you're using DuckDuckGo as your search engine, you can enter "!dcc", followed by your keyword, to get to the corresponding dict.cc results page.

:: Wildcard Search
For instance, if you want to find out which words end in "*ords", just search for *ords.
The following wildcards are supported:
* for any amount of letters (*ords)
? for exactly one letter (?ords)

:: Windows integration
Use the shareware program "LingoClick" to access dict.cc from any Windows application. Just hold down the shift key and right-click the word to look it up.
 » Download

:: Google Chrome 1
For Google Chrome users there's an extension allowing to query dict.cc while browsing another website without leaving it. Right after highlighting a word, a little tooltip shows the first five translations from dict.cc. You can click "more" to go to the regular dict.cc results page or click somewhere else to read on. Thanks to Ismael Ritter for implementing this extension!

:: Google Chrome 2
Another Chrome extension, by Michael Kühn (thanks!), only adds the dict.cc option to the context menu and does not react to text highlighting.

:: Firefox: Context menu and "Quick Translation"
This extension adds an option to the context menu of Firefox which enables you to look up unknown words on websites by right-clicking them. It also makes it possible to click words with an extra key pressed to display a translation overlay directly within the page (see options menu after installation).

:: Firefox: Keyword-activated Bookmarks
If you want to get to a translation directly after typing "dict keyword" in your address bar, you can add a special bookmark to Firefox. Just use the "bookmarks" menu to open the bookmark manager, then add the following bookmark: Name: "dict.cc", Address: "https://www.dict.cc/?s=%s", Keyword: "dict" - without the quote signs. By the way, you can also use "asdf" or any other letter combination as a keyword.

:: Quick Translation Link (Bookmarklet)
Drag one of the following links to your browser's toolbar:
Translate! — small pop-up window
Translate! — new regular window
Translate! — use same window
If you surf the web and find a word you want to translate, just highlight it and then click this link.

If you encounter any problems using these tips, please write to Paul.

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Albanian-English dictionary (Fjalor Anglisht-Shqip) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers